Wednesday 5 January 2011

camera shots


Below is a list which i feel represent each gender:

  • Sport 
  • Pratical
  • Football
  • Rugby
  • Arrogant
  • Providers
  • Trainers
  • Emotion less
  • Blue
  • Masculine
  • Higher paid jaobs
  • Moan
  • Focus on appearance
  • Mood Swings
  • Pink
  • Shoes
  • Emotional
  • Caring
  • Gossips
  • Not as intellectual
We also had to focus on two music genres and say how each gender is being represented. I choose Hip Hop  for men and Pop for women. 

For Hip Hop
Appearance of artist and fans;

  • New Era Hats
  • Hoodies
  • Jeans below the bum
  • Chains
  • Tattoo's
  • Watches
  • Earings
  • Colourful clothes
  • Designer brands
  • Trainers
Lifestyle and entertainment choices
  • 4x4 cars
  • Sport cars
  • Extravigent lifestlye
  • Women
  • Parties
  • Lack of resposibilities
  • Drugs
  • Alchool
  • Gang
  • Violence
Music style, typical song content and themes:
  • Rap
  • Grime
  • Drugs
  • Money
  • Girls
  • Getting Shot
  • Getting stabbed
  • Up tempo
For Pop
Appearance of artists and fans:
  • Make up
  • Lack of clothing items
  • Accessories
  • Neat Hair
  • Boots
  • High heals
  • Shirts
  • Jewellery
  • Perfume
Lifestyle and entertainment choices:
  • Parties
  • Drugs
  • Alchool
  • Mini Coopers
  • Gym
Musical style, typical song content and themes:
  • Ballard's
  • Meaning behind the lyrics
  • Love
  • Family
  • Life
  • Slow
  • Up Tempo
 We also looked at how men were being portrayed in magazines.  Well we had to  focus on the front page, contents page and a double spread article. Focusing on the technical aspects such as; Lighting & colour, Camera angle, shot, facial expression, body language, costume & props, setting and iconography.
Below is front page I had to mention how men and women are being represented.

Friday 17 December 2010

What kind of institution might distribute your music magazine and why?

How did you attract/ adress the audience for your music publication?

In constructing my magazine I had to aim to attract my target audicne, for my magazine to be successful, therefore, I did this  by the use of my masthead "nutorious" this gave a direct link into the famouse natorious big and would infer its a hiphop magazine. Secondly, the word nutorious is also infered to America and ganster life, which my magazine is based around. As well the large eye catching central  image also is a main aspect of my magazine that draws the reader in; for example, the props attract the audince by the use of guns and links with money and hiphop. The lures also work in the same way as the reader is interested in the celebs which attracts them to my magazine. Finally, the use of colours plays an important role in attracting an audicne for example pink steriptypically attracts girls; therefore, I used reds and grey which are complimenting colours and also represent indicate danger, blood, violence and anger whcih goes with the life style of my magzine, hiphop and American life.
On the other hand, I adressed my audience by including information they want like celebrities and how to gain muscle. I also adressed my audience through the use of colour, images and text. The use of colour adressed my audience as its colours there intom expect to see and are able to infer tha t colours like red show hiphop. Secondly, the image adresses the reader as the image is steriotypically hiphop, like 50 cent. The props used in the image adress the reader as it gives the reader what it wants to see and read about. Finally, the use of text adresses the reader as its simple text that has meaning about hiphop as its bold, strong and powerful.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

In what way does your magazine use, develop or chanllange forms and conventions of existing music magazines?

My music magazine uses some forms and conventions, which are symbolic with many typical magazines. For example,  masthead, lures, tag line, cover line, date, issue bar code, large central image, props. This was because from my research my magazine had to have these conventions. I also used a traditional layout of a contents page with writing down the side. My magazine is hip-hop genre therefore have used vibe as an example because it is a mainstream hip-hop magazine.

Vibe uses bold capital letters, which is symbolic of the genre. The colors used are reds, grey and blacks. This is because they are popular contemporary colors. As well as using street iconography makes it market friendly  and connotes the target audience.

My masthead connotes the music genre as hip-hop uses street iconography and colloquial language. It's a large bold font which symbolizes this by using a hip-hop theme. My main image anchors the masthead. I used vibe as a template for ,y music magazine as it represented a close audience.

I developed the use of lures with muscle building, this is because it more about the target audience. I didn't challenge any codes or convantions as I based my magazine around what was in other magazines as they seemed to be doing well and so therefore didn't improve any conventions just related them to a more teenage audience,.