Wednesday 24 November 2010


I wanted the perfect headline for my magazine, as I wanted it to be cleaver, informative, appeal to my target audince and link ito my genre, artist and article . Therefore, I came up with many ideas of like shocked as Eminem says no more! However, I didn't use a celebrity as my magazine was promoting my artist therefore it was mastiff comes clear abouit success. This was good because it linked in with my article and the front cover image. It also was short and simple as in my research most magazine kept it short and direct and this is a personal thing I look for in a magazine.

Friday 19 November 2010

research into stapline

'DEATH ROW: THE STRORY OF THE WORLD'S MOST FEARED LABEL' is this magazines strapline. The strapline gives additional information in the magazine and main article. This is a good one because it gives information in to the artcle inside.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

masthead research

kerrang is a rock/heavy metal magazine. Therefoe, the target audience are people who have a keen interest in heavy rock metal music. The magazine reaches its target audience by giving news on events, bands and new releases.

kerrang uses demographics to lure gender, of which  60% are males and  40% are females which means the magazine needs to meet the demands of a very mixed gendered audience of boys and girls. kerrang uses sychographics to find people who aspire to be respected among other people and people who wish to have a high paid jobs. From studying and applying these 2 important conventions the publication successfully find its wanted target audience because its appeals to certain peoples lifestyles and there aspirations.

code and conventions

On an average of uncut reader:  £47 a  month on CD’s,  £21 on DVD’s, £23 on concerts/live events, £14 on cinema tickets and £8.50 on downloads.

'Uncut' is a magazine that focuses on exploring film and music in terms of convention by attracting middle aged male with a dominated audience of ‘96% male’ with an average age of 41. From the analysis I gained that the majority 82% were in full time enployment; this shows that there could be a increase in luxeruy items.  We receive information that 79% of readers say it is important to keep up to date with the latest music. Therfore, its a good idea to have a week by week magazine to keep in with the salesd and to promot that lastest news. Fianlly, form this magazin around 100% of readers are passionate about music in one way ofr another and that  almst 50% of readers go to the cinema at least once a month.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

The font for my final production

I wanted to use a 'playbill' as my final font this was because it was big and bold, while also being west-on. It used many fonts like 'bleeding cowboy' and 'stencil' but playbill look the most professional and suited my image the best while also portraying the image of guns.

Research into the double page spreads

The double page spread has a 3 images to 4 paragraphs, so there is a good amount of images. The heading is large and in capitals. The 4 paragraphs are spaced apart and are also in red, this is because it blends of black and red is representational color to hip-hop. The lack of writing shows that the audience is not that keen into reading and would like the information to be simple and direct.

Research into in to contents pages

This is a contents page from Mojo. I used this type of magazine as I  wanted my magazine to look and have a similar effect. This was important to analyze a contents page because it gave me information about code and convention. Therefore, this contents page has its main masthead on the top, it is large shows a consistency between the front cover and the and contents page. Also like most contnce pages they uses images to show whats in the magaizne not just words. This is importnat as it breaks down the writting with a balance. What's more is that some words have used bold, this shows the more inportnat text. The text is simple ans clear, this gives a relxed easy to read feel. Finally this contnce page uses red and balcks to shows the bino effect and the corrilatiob between the magazine and 'Denis the Menice'. As a result, we know that the target audicne has some interaction with cartoons and there childish side.

Research into in to front covers

To create a magazine front cover I first had to look and research other front cover. Therefore, the masthead on this magazine has large and bold text to catch the eye of the reader. Also it uses the colour red connotes passion and male dominance.

The main image is of a famous riphop/r'n'b performer. This shows they type of genre of the magazine while also luring in readers with his large presnts of his face. The props that are used are galsses and a hat. More inportantly, the image is in balc and white, which draws notice to his white shirt. For this we could infer success and him being a white colour. Both the glasses and hat show hes smart and inteligant.
As well the magazine front cover has lures and a information like barcode,date and issue. This is importnat as information like the date and issue give the magazine its indpendance.  Also the consumer wants this, therefore it must be needed. What's more is that lurs are also inportant as it attract the reader to buy it and to read it. It also gives a little insite into the genere and whats to find in this type of magazine. For example, a lure talking about TI shows its hiphop/r'n'b, as a result, would not suit a perosn wanting information based on pop.

What functions does the music press have on the music industry

The music industry sells compositions, recordings and performances of music. As a result, the music press advertise and promots the performers and labels. Therefore, the music press plays a big part in the sales of aslbums and the money and fame of the music industy. This is because people look in to the music press tro find out about the music industy. More importnatly, the music industy fight for the better magazines that fit there intended audience; for example, pop and top of the pops.

Intorduction into the music press

The music press is a weekly by weekly or monthly by monthly magazine that shows off all types of music. These include magazine like NME, VIBE, TOP OF THE POPS and many more. Therefore, all the magazines on offer to the public through print based and online formats have different audience. For example, top of the pops has an audience of 10-15; whereas, nme has older audience of 17-22.

The music press also uses many types of media; for instance, advertising and journalist. Therefore, when creatimg my magazine I will have to learn these conventions and replicte them into my productiom.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Prelim task

Before I constructed my main music magazine, I had to create a preliminary magazine based upon my school as an arts collage. The reason for thye preliminary task was to trial test the production of a magazine. Therefore, I approched it in a way of a plan, this included me familiarising my self with photoshop, photography and designing.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

MixMag official magazine

Vibe official magazine

ministry of sound official magazine

Introduction to me and my task


My name is Page Cook and I am currently studying media at a-level. Therefore, I am creating a blogger to share and present my work. The main aim for my course work it to produce a magazine; it will consist of a front cover, contents page and a double page spread. To achieve the best mark I will show my research and planning in to my prelim task and the final production of my magazine. Finally, I will also evaluate my work and my thoughts throughout.

To guide me through and to help my progress I have page 6 in the music press portfolio. The portflolio consists of evrything to the prelim to my evalutaion. For instance, page 6 shows how to constuct my music magazine.

More importnatly, I have constructed some starting information that i want my magazine to focus on. For example, I want my target audince to be  16-19, majority male, and reginal. However, I wanted a secondary target audince of 20-25 and worldwide. Finally it would be issued weekly bases.

I hope you enjoy my work.
Thank you.