Wednesday 10 November 2010

Research into in to contents pages

This is a contents page from Mojo. I used this type of magazine as I  wanted my magazine to look and have a similar effect. This was important to analyze a contents page because it gave me information about code and convention. Therefore, this contents page has its main masthead on the top, it is large shows a consistency between the front cover and the and contents page. Also like most contnce pages they uses images to show whats in the magaizne not just words. This is importnat as it breaks down the writting with a balance. What's more is that some words have used bold, this shows the more inportnat text. The text is simple ans clear, this gives a relxed easy to read feel. Finally this contnce page uses red and balcks to shows the bino effect and the corrilatiob between the magazine and 'Denis the Menice'. As a result, we know that the target audicne has some interaction with cartoons and there childish side.

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