Wednesday 10 November 2010

Research into in to front covers

To create a magazine front cover I first had to look and research other front cover. Therefore, the masthead on this magazine has large and bold text to catch the eye of the reader. Also it uses the colour red connotes passion and male dominance.

The main image is of a famous riphop/r'n'b performer. This shows they type of genre of the magazine while also luring in readers with his large presnts of his face. The props that are used are galsses and a hat. More inportantly, the image is in balc and white, which draws notice to his white shirt. For this we could infer success and him being a white colour. Both the glasses and hat show hes smart and inteligant.
As well the magazine front cover has lures and a information like barcode,date and issue. This is importnat as information like the date and issue give the magazine its indpendance.  Also the consumer wants this, therefore it must be needed. What's more is that lurs are also inportant as it attract the reader to buy it and to read it. It also gives a little insite into the genere and whats to find in this type of magazine. For example, a lure talking about TI shows its hiphop/r'n'b, as a result, would not suit a perosn wanting information based on pop.

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