Tuesday 2 November 2010

Introduction to me and my task


My name is Page Cook and I am currently studying media at a-level. Therefore, I am creating a blogger to share and present my work. The main aim for my course work it to produce a magazine; it will consist of a front cover, contents page and a double page spread. To achieve the best mark I will show my research and planning in to my prelim task and the final production of my magazine. Finally, I will also evaluate my work and my thoughts throughout.

To guide me through and to help my progress I have page 6 in the music press portfolio. The portflolio consists of evrything to the prelim to my evalutaion. For instance, page 6 shows how to constuct my music magazine.

More importnatly, I have constructed some starting information that i want my magazine to focus on. For example, I want my target audince to be  16-19, majority male, and reginal. However, I wanted a secondary target audince of 20-25 and worldwide. Finally it would be issued weekly bases.

I hope you enjoy my work.
Thank you.

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