Wednesday 15 December 2010

Looking back at your preliminary task, of designing the front page of a school magazine, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Form looking back at my preliminary task, of designing the front page of a school magazine, I feel I have  developed my ability in photoshop and pages; for example how to use an effect on an image and constructing the layout of my contence page and a double page spread.

I also have leanr skills for lifel such as that planing for a long period of time is better then an image in your mind as you are able to develop the ideas and conventions. In additon, I hhave learnt that everything that is put on a magazine is for a reseaon. Finally, I have learnt that its possible to produce a music magazine with a contence page and a double page spread.

I was more confident about the codes and conventions after completing my preliminary task because I got to learn what went on a magazine and what it represented. In my task I faced problems like the positioning of all the elements to make it look professional. If I was to redo my main task I think I would improve it, I first would plan more as planning is key for a good magazine. 

In the production process I faced a few problems such as positioning, I wanted my product to look professional and be able to challenge the magazine I was researching codes and conventions. I tried out various positons for my conventions, but after looking at the source's front page I fealt I had chose the right position for it. 

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