Monday 6 December 2010

Who, What, Where, Why for my main image

My main image was of my largest friend as hes figure reprosented the target audience of 16-19. I also wanyed to  portray the image of hiphop and the street. Therefore, I used many props to show the corrolation between my image and a hiphip magazine: I used a gun, red bandanner, a hat, breifcase, glasses, large jacket and chains. These are all icons that I would expect a steriotypical hiphop artist to have from the reserch I had found. However, I personalised it by putting all the props into one image, this have it a dfferent take and looked effective in making my magazine look like a music magazine, which was the most impertnat thing I took in taking the picture.

As well my image was taken on a grey backdrop as I wanted all the attention to be on the actor and the props. Also in my research I found that they used a backdrop not a setting. For the lighjting I didnt realy use any because I wanted a dark theme and I had used light in other shots but it didnt look as good so I decided to use no obvious lighting.

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