Monday 6 December 2010

semiotocs in the music cover

The main iconic feature on the magzine (kerrange) is the guitar, this is because it has phyiscal similarities to the object in which it implys a rock/ indy gener. In additon the props of drums also link the magazine to a rockish magazine. Furthermore, the tattoos show the rock theme through indexical, which is a direct connection to the genre. As well the black cloths show the rock and dark theme through both iconic and indexical features.

More importnat, the couple singing also enhances the msuic theme by the steriptipical iconic symbole. However, words like green are idexical. Finally, the word symbolic is used a little amount as the magaizne wants to inform not make the reader guess. An example, is Roy which is scrolled on the NME masthead like a signitire; consequently, it has no obvious connection.

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