Thursday 2 December 2010

Uses and gratifications

In learning about music press we also learnt uses and gratifications. It allows use to digest and understand a wide rabge of communication:  an audience for a magazine.  I watch deal or no deal, a program on channel 4, because its entertaining and always differnt. It also gives great conversations with my friends and is a diversion to school work.

There are 4 main reasons we consume media, the audience have a set of needs which the media meets in one form or another.

1. Diversion - A form of escape or release from every-day presures: music, film, T.V or video games.

2. Personal Companionship - Through identification with T.V characters and sociability through discussion about T.V with other people: deal or no deal gives me something to talk about with  my friends about what happened in the last game.
3. Personal Identity - The ability to compare ones life with the characters and situations portrayed and explore individual problems and perspective e.g comparing your own life with people less fortunate.

4. Surveillance - Information about what is going on in the world:  magazine showing the latest news and gossip across the world.

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