Wednesday 15 December 2010

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of construting this product?

  I found using pages challenging, useful and interesting because it was a software I have never used, plus it was useful as it created my contents page. Finally, it was interesting as you could put borders around images and free move aspects of my magazine.  one disadvantage was that it didn't have many tools like photoshop; however two advantages was that it was easy to use and made my magazine with a professional look.

Using photoshop was great because it allowed me to experience tools and effect that I didn't think possible;  for example, I used photoshop to create my front cover as it allowed me to change my image and position of text. I t also allowed me to color of my text. The layers were really good and useful as it allowed me to lap text and images. This was an easy to use as it was just drag and drop.

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